
Mausritter: Box Set & Adventure Collection

Created by Isaac Williams

Sword-and-whiskers roleplaying, in a box set and brand new adventure collection.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Funds received, BackerKit coming soon
over 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 16, 2021 at 02:08:01 AM

Just a quick update this week to let you know how things are moving along.

Funds and BackerKit

We've received funds from Kickstarter now, which means we can start things rolling into production!

We're also working hard along with Exalted Funeral to prepare the BackerKit. Once this is ready, we'll send out surveys to backers. This will work to collect your shipping details, or any extra add-ons that you may like.

The BackerKit will also be open to anyone as a preorder store. This means that anyone who missed the Kickstarter itself will still be able to easily get their paws on a copy of Mausritter or the Adventure Collection!

Adventure layout

We're still hard at work finishing the Adventure Collection. Last week I completed the rough layout pass for Lazy Lich's heist scenario Tower of Soot.

One fun thing about the trifold format is that each adventure is a little layout puzzle. Each one can be a bit unique, while also feeling like it's part of the whole. Tower of Soot really highlights this in it's departures from the usual formats we've established for the other adventures.

First off, it's looooong.

Preview of Tower of Soot

Secondly, it's able to use some different mechanics, departing from some of Mausritter's usual expectations. Because it's a heist format adventure, we're doing away with the usual Encounter table and instead replacing it with a timeline of events that keep the players on their toes and keep the action moving forward. We're also replacing the standard adventure hooks with something more akin to Blades in the Dark's engagement roll. This means players start off in the thick of the action, with something going wrong as soon as the session begins. 

This one is going to be really fun, and I think will highlight some new techniques you can use for other adventures too! 

We're back to work!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 09, 2021 at 03:12:09 PM

First off, a massive thank you to everyone who has supported this project! I'm honestly a little bit overwhelmed by the love our little game has received. Now that the Kickstarter is over, we're hard at work to finish it off and deliver it to you all!

Spoilers ahead! Don't look closely at the images :)

Collecting Adventures

I've been working this week on editing and making a rough layout pass of two of the Adventures in the Collection — Mush Rush by Bodie H., and The Chapel of Eternal Peace by Diogo Nogueira. These have now been edited and the trifold pamphlets laid out, so that they can be passed back to the author/illustrators for art.

A layout pupae, getting ready to emerge from it's cocoon

With these two adventures edited and laid out, we now have 8 of the 11 adventures at this stage (or even more complete), with all the text written and edited, and ready for play-testing, art and a final edit pass.

We've also run a couple of playtest sessions this week, giving @gnarledmonster's Giant Snake Is In The Sewer a proper run though to make sure it plays smoothly and is lots of fun. This adventure is big, weird and funny, and blast to explore.


We'll be opening up a BackerKit online store in the next couple of weeks, so that you can supply your address for shipping, add to your existing pledge, or create a new pledge if you missed out on the Kickstarter.

That's it for this update! We'll be back soon with more.

Thank you!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Sep 01, 2021 at 11:02:12 PM

We made it!

What a journey this campaign has been. From the bottom of our hearts, we'd like to thank each and everyone one of you for making this campaign such a massive hit. We always believed that Mausritter was a marvelous game, but this response is mind-blowing. It's much more than we ever imagined and for that we are truly grateful.

The last Stretch Goal 

The last Stretch Goal has been reached a few hours ago! The adventure collection will now come with several customized envelopes, so that players can store their character sheets and inventory cards at the end of each gaming session. 

What next?

  • In the next few weeks, it's all about securing the funds from Kickstarter. The process should take about 2-3 weeks. We shall let you know when we have them.
  • In the meantime, we will work on putting together the campaign's BackerKit so that it can go live as soon as the funds arrive. Surveys shall be sent some time after that. This will be your opportunity to register your shipping address and include extra items in your pledge. 
  • The boxset and rulebook are pretty much done. If we needed to send them for printing this week, we could. The adventure collection is where we will concentrate all efforts. About half of the adventures are basically done at this point, including art and layout. The other half is in various stages of completion, but all of them have at the very least been written. We believe we can have everything print-ready in a couple of months. We will show progress in the next few weeks.  
  • Production timeline: we will have in-person meetings with the staff of the two factories that will be producing the boxes and content. This will happen in late September. The plan is to secure a production slot between December and January, aiming at having the completed products by the end of January. 
  • If all goes according to plan, fulfillment may then start in February. 

If you have any doubts, questions or concerns, please let us know and we will try to reply as soon as possible. 


Into the final stretch & the GM session tracker unlocked!
over 2 years ago – Tue, Aug 31, 2021 at 01:30:48 PM

Just a quick note to say thankyou to everyone for your support! What a wild ride this project has been. We’re coming into the final stretch of the campaign — just 45 hours to go!

We’ve unlocked a heap of additional things to stuff into the Box Set and Adventure Collection. A player-facing map and more GM tools for the Adventure Collection; another adventure from Nate Treme; and now the GM session tracker which will help you run your sessions, leaving more brainpower for sword-and-whiskers creativity!

We’ve just got one more goal to go — a set of envelopes to help keep your mice organised between sessions. Whether we reach this or not, it’s been a fantastic project, and we couldn’t do it without your support.

I also want to give a big shoutout to Andre from Games Omnivorous, who’s been working away in the background to make sure we can get these books and boxes to you in a timely manner. And an extra big thankyou to all the amazing authors & illustrators who leant their talents to the Adventure Collection. It’s been really cool to see what other people bring to a mouse-scale adventure, and I can’t wait for you all to get these adventures in your paws.

New Stretch Goals unlocked!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Aug 30, 2021 at 05:14:12 PM

New Stretch Goals!

We’ve blown right past $100k in funding, which means it’s time to unlock some new stretch goals! Thank you so much to everyone who has helped support this project. We couldn’t do it without you.

First up, at $120k we’ll include a new GM session tracking sheet in the Box Set. It’ll be dry-erase and printed on nice thick card. The GM Session Tracker is a really handy tool for running a game of Mausritter — it helps take some of the mental load of remembering to roll for encounters and tracking torch usage. Like the Item Cards for players, the GM session tracker makes bookkeeping as painless as possible.

Secondly, at $140k, we’ll be able to include Campaign record envelopes in the Adventure Collection! These will provide an easy way for you to keep your mouse and all their Item Cards in one place when you pack up at the end of a session, then have it all ready to go when you next play.

Undying Sands + Bottled Sea

Mausritter's publisher Games Omnivorous has a new Kickstarter for a reprint of the double-ENNIE-nominated Undying Sands, along with an all-new Hex-n-Screen setting: Bottled Sea. If you haven't seen Undying Sands before, it follows in Games Omnivorous' tradition of beautifully produced products unlike anything else you've seen before. A bag of cardboard hexes and a GM Screen. Each time you venture out, it's a different adventure.

You can watch a review here

Sign up to be notified when the Kickstarter launches!

Reminder: Vote for Mausritter in the ENNIE Awards!

Competition is fierce, so we really need your vote! If you haven't yet, please vote 1 Mausritter for best Family Game.